In the future, the devs are apparently planning on a xenobiology system which will allow you to unlock new tech by "researching the DNA of fallen enemies."Ĭheck it out here Starstructor, the mod formerly known as the Starbound Toolset Boring disclaimer aside, the mod itself, even if its current form, sounds rather exciting - it encompasses a whole variety of goodies including planetary modifiers, changed monster spawning, a research system, an altered crafting system, enhanced base building, new mining tools, artefacts and open world exploration.

Like Starbound itself, the existing release is mostly intended to allow people to jiggle with its contents and provide feedback. New Horizon is currently in a somewhat volatile state as it's still early in the production cycle. Starbound: New Horizon To boldly go where no one has died before! Nonetheless, those who might have been hoping for a larger range in beards, beaks, robotic head ornaments and regular human hair will not be disappointed.Ĭheck it out here. Focus here appears to be skewed towards the Florans. Though Starbound offers reasonably comprehensive character generation options already, Lissar's Hair Mods will provide the fashion-conscious with even more variety. There's really not much that needs to be said here. Lissar's Hair Mods Floransss like to be pretty flowersssss Nothing to compose Bohemian Rhapsodies about, perhaps, but certainly a utility your mother would approve of.Ĭheck it out here.

It's a smooth, supple way of keeping your mods organized and limiting the time you spend fiddling with 'em. If you're one of those people who'd much rather not have to deal with the technicalities of actually firing up one of these babies, here's a solution: the Starbound Mod Manager. Like pizza slices with a double helping of cheese, mods can be gooey, slippery rascals.

We will not be held accountable for your ship blowing up. As always, be prepared to back up your files, ready contingency plans and have the instructions examined three times over. And because mods are such wondrous inventions, it really shouldn't come as a surprise that Starbound, in spite of only having been around for a short time, is already bristling with community-generated content. They're the unsung heroes of the gaming universe, the vanguard against boredom, the first and the last bastion of hope for all those unwilling to surrender their favorite game just because they're run out of things to fiddle with.